Another new addition to the fleet has begun measurement 我们另一个新漂浮雷达已经开始测量

Congratulations to the team on a successful deployment in the Yellow Sea!


Located off the coast of northern China, our newest project presents an interesting set of technical challenges that will allow us to truly show what our system is capable of. During the next year, this FLiDAR will encounter temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius and very little sunlight, making alternatives to solar energy and robust heating systems a priority. To ensure we’re equipped to thrive in these harsh conditions, we designed a new configuration with increased backup power capacity (a 100% increase above our standard design specifications), enhanced condition monitoring systems, and site-specific spare parts management to enable a quick response to unexpected issues.


Each offshore project presents unique challenges and it’s been a pleasure to collaborate with our client in devising some creative solutions for our newest site. Together we’re unlocking new opportunities once considered out-of-reach and we’re looking forward to a successful campaign!



5 more buoys deployed!


Global Framework Agreement signed between Ørsted and Blue Aspirations 沃旭能源与憬知梦蓝签署全球框架协议