Lifen Song appointed to IEC sub-committee 宋励奋受任加入IEC小组委员会

CEO and founder of Blue Aspirations Lifen Song has been named a member of IEC sub-committee PT 61400-50-4 on the use of floating LiDAR for wind measurements.

憬知梦蓝首席执行官及创始人宋励奋已被任命为IEC小组委员会PT 61400-50-4的工作组成员,将参与漂浮式激光雷达测风相关国际标准的讨论与制定。

The sub-committee is a part of TC 88 – the IEC’s technical committee for wind energy generation systems – which is focused on “[s]tandardization in the field of wind energy generation systems including wind turbines, wind power plants onshore and offshore and interaction with the electrical system(s) to which energy is supplied,” in order to “provide a basis for design, quality assurance and technical aspects for certification”.

该小组委员会是TC 88—IEC风能发电系统技术委员会的一部分,专注于“风力发电系统领域的标准化,包括风力涡轮机、陆上和海上风力发电厂以及与供能电力系统的相互关系”,以便“为设计、质量保证和技术方面的认证提供依据”

The objective of the sub-committee is to “provide general requirements and guidelines to ensure that floating lidar wind measurements meet the level of quality and confidence required for the use cases they are currently deployed to support.”


We’re thrilled to congratulate Lifen on this achievement and for Blue Aspirations to play a role in defining technical standards for the global floating LiDAR industry!



Pre-release of BA-FLS-NX5 憬知梦蓝BA-FLS-NX5预发布


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