BA-FLS-NX5 Begins Stage 2 Type Validation
On March 8th, our floating LiDAR system BA-FLS-NX5 was deployed in Dundee, Scotland, and started its 6 months Stage 2 type validation campaign. The validation will be pursuant to the Carbon Trust’s Offshore Wind Accelerator(OWA) Road map for the commercialization of our Floating LiDAR Technology. It’s a big milestone for Blue Aspirations to step into the global market of offshore wind measurement.
Our BA-FLS-NX5 floating LiDAR system is equipped with dual LiDARs. One is a continuous wave LiDAR and the other is a pulse wave LiDAR. We are going to obtain validation reports for both of them. And we apply Dual-LiDAR system by default in commercial projects. With this configuration, we will have great confidence to achieve high data availability(an average of 97% according to the experience we gained from previous projects).
The FLS was shipped to UK in 2 Containers which lasted about 40 days. And it was reassembled in Dundee, and deployed by our UK partner with a professional tugboat.
The FLS was deployed against an IEC- compliant offshore meteorological mast, and so far, it is working quite well and the power supply system is performing excellently with both LiDARs running. The following figure shows the system voltage from March 8th to March 26th.
System Voltage
According to OWA road map the campaign will last at least 6 Months, however, we are fully confident in achieving the goal successfully. Please follow us and looking forward to it!
A selfie from the camera on the FLS (with the met mast together )
An overview of the specialty of the BA-FLS-NX5 system:
High reliability. The system is always equipped with dual LiDARs to achieve high reliability and robustness.
High safety. Special handrails are used to protect equipment from collisions with fishing boats, while AIS and navigation lights are installed.
High flexibility. The buoy is a combination of a cylinder and four floats and can be easily disassembled and transported by truck.
Strong mooring system. The mooring system can withstand extreme sea conditions, with a third-party report.
Adequate power supply. The power supply system consists of solar panels, wind turbines, and optional fuel cells, providing a high level of power supply redundancy.
Real-time monitoring. System status such as battery voltage, drift offset, coordinates, and sensors’ health status are monitored in real-time.