Our philosophy on reliability 我们的可靠性设计理念

This is the second in a series of posts that will take a deeper dive into the four pillars of our design philosophy – safety, reliability, accuracy, and resilience – and how they are embodied in our new BA-FLS-NX5 floating LiDAR model. In our previous post, we summarized Blue Aspirations’ commitment to the highest standards of health and safety. Today’s post focuses on reliability.


To be valuable, the data we collect for our clients must be continuous throughout the year. Wind conditions are often seasonal and any significant gaps in a measurement campaign can undermine the usefulness of the data. At the same time, floating LiDARs operate under harsh conditions and in remote locations that are difficult to access on short notice. This means small problems can easily cascade into large ones if suppliers aren’t prepared to quickly mobilize teams, repair components, and redeploy.


In the NX5, we’ve introduced more comprehensive redundancy at the system level and amongst critical individual components to eliminate single-point failures. This includes:

  • Dual LiDARs (cold-standby by default – i.e. the second LiDAR is inoperative unless damage occurs to the first – with an option to install “hot-standby” dual LiDARs – i.e. both LiDARs collecting data simultaneously);

  • Backups installed for all measurement sensors, including sensors for motion, direction, temperature, and pressure, among others;

  • Redundant energy supply, including battery banks, fuel cells, solar panels, and wind turbines;

  • Spare parts in storage onshore near the site to expedite replacements when necessary; and

  • Innovative fuel cell tank design allowing for quick and easy replacement of fuel cartridges.


  • 双激光雷达(默认冷备份,即第二个激光雷达平时不工作,除非第一个激光雷达损坏;也可选择热备,即两个激光雷达同时收集数据)

  • 为所有测量传感器进行冗余备份,包括运动、方向、温度、气压等传感器;

  • 冗余能源供应,包括电池组、燃料电池、太阳能电池板和风力发电机;

  • 现场附近岸上长期准备备件,以便在必要时可以快速更换;

  • 创新的燃料电池箱设计,方便快速更换燃料。

We also work closely with subcontractors in the region of deployment to ensure repairs can be conducted locally without introducing customs or travel risks into the campaign. Our home is in Asia and we’re uniquely positioned to serve the needs of the Asia-Pacific market, but by leveraging this network of regional partnerships we’ve made our footprint global.


To be useful for offshore wind development, two features of floating LiDAR data are essential: reliability and accuracy. We’ll cover the latter in our third post in this series, but reliability is just as important and through redundancy, preparation, and a global network, we’re able to reduce the risk of downtime and keep our products and services operating effectively.



Our philosophy on accuracy 我们的准确性保障理念


Our philosophy on safety 我们的安全理念