Our philosophy on resilience 我们的坚韧性设计理念

This is the fourth post in our series of deeper dives into the four pillars of our design philosophy – safety, reliability, accuracy, and resilience – and how they’re are embodied in our new BA-FLS-NX5 floating LiDAR model. Previous posts centered around our approach to safety, reliability, and accuracy. Today, we'll be focusing on resilience.


In a 12-month campaign, floating LiDARs are exposed to a variety of hazards including harsh weather, high waves, and collisions with fishing and other vessels engaged in offshore activity. The problem is exacerbated in campaigns that are conducted at remote sites that are expensive or difficult to access. Achieving the data availability our clients demand therefore requires careful design choices to mitigate risks and ensure measurement continues year-round.


The NX5 takes a two-fold approach to address these risks: (1) preventing accidents before they occur; and (2) minimizing damage in the event they do. In particular, all our systems are equipped with:

  • Automatic identification system (AIS);

  • Dual radar reflectors;

  • Up to two IALA compliant navigation lights;

  • Protection ring to absorb energy during unexpected collision and protect the system;

  • Visible warning messages in the market's local language to alert nearby vessels to the presence of cameras and other security measures; and

  • Excess net buoyancy to ensure that even in the unlikely event of water ingress following an accident, the FLS will remain afloat, making it quicker and easier to repair damage and re-deploy the system.


  • 船舶自动识别系统(AIS);

  • 两个雷达反射器;

  • 支持安装两个符合国际航道标志协会(IALA)要求的导航指示灯;

  • 配置保护护栏,以便在意外碰撞时吸收能量并保护系统安全;

  • 提供本地语言及可见警告信息,提醒附近船设备有监控及其他安全措施;

  • 充沛的剩余净浮力,以确保即使在事故发生后可能进水,系统仍将漂浮。可以更快、更容易地修复和重新部署系统。

For sites with a high risk of collision, we also equip our systems with a more robust set of alarms and proximity sensors, including:

  • A warning siren and a warning light, activated by the detection of vessels nearby;

  • A warning message broadcast to nearby vessels in the market's local language (including an auto-broadcast over the UHF channel); and

  • High-resolution cameras (with night vision) recording videos and pictures periodically.


  • 检测到附近船舶自动激活警报器和警示灯;

  • 采用本地语言向附近船只广播警告信息(包括通过超高频频道进行的自动广播);

  • 采用带夜视功能的高分辨率摄像机,周期性地存储视频和照片。

Anti-collision system scheme copy.png

The above design enables our fleet to withstand the vast majority of the hazards encountered on a typical campaign and mitigate the risk of damage from negligence by third-party vessels and acts of vandalism. This gives our fleet the protection needed to maintain its high data availability and gives our clients peace of mind, knowing their measurement campaigns will be completed on time and with the lowest possible operational risks.


We hope this series of posts has helped highlight the features the distinguish our floating LiDAR technology. If you're interested in learning more, feel free to send us an email at sales@blue-aspirations.com!

我们希望这一系列帖子帮助突显了我们漂浮式激光雷达测风系统技术特性。如果您想了解更多信息,请随时发送电子邮件至 sales@blue-aspirations.com!


The results are in – 98.1% data availability at the conclusion of our first 12-month campaign! 憬知梦蓝完成首个年度测风工作,数据可用性98.1%!


Our fleet is growing!