Another floating LiDAR system deployed! 又一台漂浮雷达完成投放!

The team has just completed installation of another floating LiDAR system in Shandong, a coastal province in northeastern China. Measurement is now underway on its 12 month campaign and we’re looking forward to a successful result for our client!


We took a different approach with this installation, helping to showcase the Blue Aspirations floating LiDAR system’s versatility. Floating LiDAR installations typically involve the use of a large vessel with an onboard crane to carry the system to the site and deploy it on arrival. In the case of our Shandong site, however, metocean conditions and distance from shore allowed us instead to use a tugboat to tow the buoy from the port to the site.


Both approaches bring their own costs and benefits: whereas deployment with a crane and vessel is typically faster, it enhances the cost and complexity of offshore work; by contrast, towing the FLiDAR with a tugboat can be slower, but it simplifies the process and is generally more cost effective for our client when site conditions are suitable. The flexibility to install with either technique is therefore key to achieving an optimal result for each client and site.

这两种方法都有自己的成本和好处:虽然使用浮吊船的部署通常更快,但它增加了海上工作的成本和复杂性; 相比之下,用拖船拖曳漂浮雷达可能会更慢,但它简化了过程,并且在现场条件合适时对我们的客户来说通常更具成本效益。可以使用两种技术进行部署的灵活性对每个客户和现场来说十分有益。


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