Hainan Province Gets Started on Ambitious Offshore Wind Development Plans 海南省启动雄心勃勃的海上风电发展计划

Earlier this year the southern Chinese province of Hainan announced plans for offshore wind development projects totaling 12.3 gigawatts over the next 5 years. The developments will span 11 different sites, with most located along the north and western coasts of the province.


The plan comes alongside Hainan’s recent move to establish itself as a global and regional hub for offshore international trade through the construction of a new free trade port. Together these initiatives present a unique opportunity for international cooperation in the development of China’s offshore wind industry, so it will be exciting to see how the ecosystem develops in the province over the coming years.


Blue Aspirations has already been selected to conduct wind measurement campaigns for 3 of these sites, with our first floating LiDAR deployed earlier this month and the remaining two on the way before October. We’re thrilled to be a part of such an ambitious effort from the Hainan provincial government and we hope to contribute further as the remaining sites are awarded!



Two new floating LiDAR systems deployed!两套崭新的漂浮式激光雷达测风系统已完成部署!


Another floating LiDAR system deployed! 又一台漂浮雷达完成投放!