New faces at Blue Aspirations 憬知梦蓝迎来新成员

We’re excited to announce that Giorgio Fortunato and Andrew Nelles have partnered with Blue Aspirations in the roles of Vice President and Strategy Director! Giorgio and Andrew have a strong track record in the floating LiDAR industry and will be in charge of Blue Aspirations’ strategy and business development.

我们非常高兴地宣布,Giorgio Fortunato 和 Andrew Nelles 作为公司副总和战略总监正式加入憬知梦蓝,凭借在漂浮式激光雷达测风领域的丰富经验他们将负责憬知梦蓝的战略和业务发展。

Giorgio has spent more than a decade living and working in China in various roles in the wind industry, including as head of Marketing & Government Relations for the Asia-Pacific and China regions at Vestas Wind Systems.


Andrew has a background in computer science and law and previously worked in strategy and business development in the offshore wind industry, principally focused on the Asia-Pacific region.


We look forward to a strong partnership with Giorgio and Andrew and a bright future for Blue Aspirations – both in China and around the world!



Lifen Song appointed to IEC sub-committee 宋励奋受任加入IEC小组委员会