Specific Training in Fire Safety and Emergency First Aid

In August 2023, Blue Aspirations invited trainers from the Fire Department and the Red Cross to train our employees about Fire Safety and Emergency Rescue.


The training of Fire Safety focuses on fire prevention, self-rescue, and fire treatment perspectives. Quite a few questions during the training session and it helps our employees improve their awareness of fire safety.


The training of Emergency Rescue focuses on the introduction to rescue, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, application of AED, first aid for airway obstruction, and trauma rescue. The target of the training is to help employees learn knowledge about emergencies. At the same time, the training provides simulation exercises to help employees practice and master different emergency treatments.


These trainings help employees learn the knowledge about fire safety and emergency measures. In the future, Blue Aspirations will provide more training and support from professionals to execute the HSE management system better and better.


我们相信安全没有起点与终点,我们将持续改进安全实践。我们也将继续按照国际标准,践行HSE 管理体系。公司发展离不开安全,这对员工及合作伙伴是一份责任,更是一份承诺!


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